lunes, 12 de julio de 2010

Video by animoto

Enjoy these great pictures from Austria. You will never forget them.

This resourse allows a lot of uses in a project. I will try to use it as a warm-up ( to introduce the topic and students must create a simple video without previous explanation. We only have 30 seconds) and at the end of the lesson/project to modify the previous one and improve the final one (propably longer than 30 seconds).

My Wiki

This is my Wiki project for the students.

Edinburgh Walking Tour - Geotagging

We are starting our walk tour from Edinburgh Castle to the Scotland Museum.

Ver Edinburgh walking tour en un mapa más grande

miércoles, 7 de julio de 2010


Listen to the file and let´s think for a moment.
Are you ready to answer these questions:
* Do you believe in superstitions? Why? Why not?
* What superstitions do you know?
* What brings good luck? And bad luck?

martes, 6 de julio de 2010




Welcome to Michelangelo Treasure Hunt. Today you are going to discover some interesting facts about the Italian Renaissance painter, sculptor and architect.

Are you ready to surf the web?

Let´s start and discover Michelangelo's talent.


Your task during this Treasure Hunt is to explore a lot of websites about

the great genius and the impact he had on the Renaissance time and after.

You must work in groups of three people.

Tasks to do:

1 Answer some questions.

2 Choose one of Michelangelo's works and comment it.

Enjoy your searching !


1. Answer the following questions:

What is Michelangelo´s powerful statue?

Who were Michelangelo´s patrons?

Why was Michelangelo so important?

What period of history did Michelangelo live?

Where did Michelangelo live?

How did Michelangelo Buonarroti die? And When?

Could you tell me two of his best-known works?

2. Choose one of Michelangelo´s works and create a powerpoint presentation to introduce the topic to the rest of the class. (2/3 minutes). The group who gets the most points will be rewarded...

To find all this information you can use these links:

or watch this video about the best of Michelangelo

The Big question:

Which is your favourite Michalangelo work?Why? What is typically Michellangelo in there?


Thank you for taking part in this treasure Hunt and maybe one day you'll get the chance to visit Italy and discover these masterpieces of the Italian Renaissance art and some more …

sábado, 3 de julio de 2010

Titanic Disaster

View more presentations from Hatem Shamaa.
For me the legend of this unsinkable ship is amazing. I have read a lot about this horrible disaster and I have watched the movie "Titanic" in the cinema and at home (several times.) Last Easter I went to Maritime Museum in Southampton but unfortunately, it was closed because the workers were on strike. What a pity!! Maybe I will be luckier next time. Titanic will always bear in our mind.

My alter ego