lunes, 12 de julio de 2010

Video by animoto

Enjoy these great pictures from Austria. You will never forget them.

This resourse allows a lot of uses in a project. I will try to use it as a warm-up ( to introduce the topic and students must create a simple video without previous explanation. We only have 30 seconds) and at the end of the lesson/project to modify the previous one and improve the final one (propably longer than 30 seconds).

3 comentarios:

  1. Unglaublich !!!
    Austria is a wonderful country.
    I agree with you, this is a great tool with many possibilities.
    joan carles

  2. Austria is wonderful. I have never been there but I would like to go. Nice pictures!

  3. I loved your video, and I am an enthusiast of Austria too. Thanks!
